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Continuation On The Major Nullifiers Of Islam: 10 Major Nullifiers Of Islam


Bismillah… As we are discussing the major nullifiers of Islam, we have discussed five in the previous post here and we are going to continue with the remaining five major nullifiers of Islam. You can read the full previous post where we discussed five of the major nullifiers of Islam.

The Remaining Five of the 10 Major Nullifiers of Islam

We should remember that we have been discussing these major nullifiers of Islam according to the work of our great scholars who have carefully categorized them for the benefit of the Ummah. The renowned scholar, Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, who had laid the foundation for identifying the actions or beliefs that can take someone out of the fold of Islam.

We have mentioned the first five earlier in the post here. All the foundations of these major nullifiers of Islam are supported by evidence from the Quran and Hadith, and we are advised to avoid these pitfalls to maintain the purity of our faith. We are going to complete the remaining five now.

6. Mocking Any Part of Islam

Among the major nullifiers of Islam is a mockery of something that is part of Islam—whether it’s from the Quran, Sunnah, or the practices of the religion—is a serious offense that can lead to disbelief. Making fun of sacred rites like prayer, fasting, or Islamic clothing is not only disrespectful but also a major nullifier of Islam. Even in jest, such behavior is unacceptable and can have devastating consequences.


Whoever ridicules, scorns or makes a mockery of anything of the religion of the prophet, its reward or its punishment intentionally, has committed kufr (disbelief). Anyone who mocks Allah, the Messenger, or the religion of Islam has committed kufr (infidelity) even if they were joking and not serious. The Quran makes this very clear:

“Say, ‘Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking?’ Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after your belief.” (Quran 9:65-66)

This verse was about the hypocrites. Abdullah bin `Umar said, “During the battle of Tabuk, a man was sitting in a gathering and said, `I have never seen like these reciters of ours! [He was referring to the Qur’aan reciters] They have the hungriest stomachs, the most lying tongues and are the most cowardice in battle.

”Awf bin Malik rose and said, `You lie. You are a hypocrite, and I will surely inform the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.” This statement was already conveyed to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and also a part of the Qur”an was revealed about it to him ﷺ.”

”Abdullah bin `Umar said, “I have seen that man afterward holding onto the shoulders of the Messenger”s camel declaring, `O Allah”s Messenger! We were only engaged in idle talk, joking and jesting,” while the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was reciting,

(“Was it at Allah, and His Ayat and His Messenger that you were mocking”) 9:65.”

Allah said,

“(Make no excuse; you disbelieved after you had believed.) on account of your statement and mocking. 9:65”

Allah announced those hypocrites as kuffar (infidels) for mocking the messenger and his companions after being believers. so, mocking Allah, his messenger or something part of Islam is considered kufr (infidelity) and hypocrisy. The Muslims must fear hypocrisy and falling into it as Abin Aby Mulaikh said:

“I have met thirty of the companions of the messenger and all of them feared hypocrisy in themselves”. Abin aby Mulaikh

Mocking is not only made by words, but by other means such as winking the eye, sticking out the tongue, pointing with the finger, etc. for example, if a Muslim grows his beard [an obligatory sunnah of the prophet] and someone makes a joke about it (the idea of growing the beard because it is an Islamic issue) or joking with hijab of women and calling it different sort of bad names, then this is kufr (infidelity).

See also  Understanding The Last Day Of Resurrection In Islam (Al Qiyam). 1st Episode

But if the joking is done towards the person himself without relating it to something that is part f the religion, then this is not kufr (infidelity), but a major sin, Gheebah (talking about someone in their absence regarding something they don’t like).

major nullifiers of Islam

The verse made it clear when some individuals made jokes about the religion, thinking it was just nothing. However, Allah reprimanded them for their action, labeling it as disbelief. We should be extremely cautious about making jokes about any part of our faith, as it is a major nullifier of Islam that could nullify one’s Islam. It will require sincere repentance after the person later understands what he or she has done.


7. Engaging in Magic or Sorcery

Magic (sihr), whether used for personal gain, to harm others, or for any other purpose, is another nullifier among the ten major nullifiers of Islam. Magic is not only forbidden, but it directly contradicts the belief in Allah’s absolute power, as it involves relying on evil forces and deception. He who practices it or is pleased with it is a disbeliever. And the evidence of this is the Saying of Allah, the Most High:

And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harout and Marout. But they [i.e., the two angels] do not teach anyone unless they say, “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].”

(Quran 2:102)

Magic involves invoking something else aside from Allah and believing in that thing or person. This opposes the divine will of Allah, and engaging in such practices severs a person’s relationship with their faith. This is also Shirk in other words and clear.

Also, asking a magician something and believing what he said is kufr (disbelief). Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Whoever goes to a fortuneteller or a soothsayer and believes in his words has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad (has disbelieved in Islam and message of Quran)” Sunan Ibn Majah, 639

8. Backing or Supporting Disbelievers Against Muslims

Allying with or supporting disbelievers and polytheists against the Muslim Ummah is a grave sin and among the major nullifiers of Islam. Islam encourages cooperation with non-Muslims in acts of goodness, but when such alliances turn against the interests of the Ummah, it is a major nullifier of Islam that takes one out of the fold of Islam. And the evidence of this is the saying of Allah, the Most High:

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliyaa’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliyaa’ to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliyaa’, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust). (Quran 5:51)

“And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them.” (Quran 5:51)

This verse warns Muslims to be cautious about whom they support and align with, especially when such alliances weaken the Muslim community. Helping the kuffar (infidels) against the Muslims is a very important issue nowadays since there is a great mix of Muslims and the kuffar (infidels). This action
constitutes apostasy. Shaykh Bin Bazz in his Fatawa, said:

See also  Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Islam

“The Muslim scholars have agreed that whoever aided (supported) the disbelievers and polytheists against the Muslims and helped them in any way that will cause harm to the Muslims and weaken the religion of Islam, then such person is a disbeliever (Kaafir) as they are.”

The outcome of helping the disbelievers or polytheists against the Muslims is weakening the religion of Islam, the rising of the disbelievers, and leading the false faith of the disbelievers to overpower the Islamic creed and belief. We should be very careful of this because one can unconsciously fall into this, especially in this era we are now.

9. Believing That Some People Are Exempt from Following the Prophet ((peace and blessings be upon him)

The message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is universal and applicable to all people, times and places. Believing that his message doesn’t apply to certain individuals or modern circumstances is a dangerous misconception. This belief is one of the major nullifiers of Islam because it means rejecting the Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) universal role as the final Messenger.

Allah says:
“But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves…” (Quran 4:65)

This verse affirms the authority of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) over all matters, both religious and worldly.

This nullifier points out the actions of some Sufis who believe that the Wali (a pious Muslim) does not have to follow some rites or worship and he (the Wali) has the right to do as he wishes in the religion when he reaches the state of certainty in there false creed. Allah says:

“And verily, this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and do not follow (other) paths, for they will separate you from His Path”  Al-An’aam 6:153 

Concerning the above verse, a man asked Ibn Mas`ud that, “What is As-Sirat Al-Mustaqim (the straight path)”

Ibn Mas`ud replied, “Muhammad ﷺ left us at its lower end and its other end is in Paradise. To the right of this Path are other paths, and to the left of it are other paths, and there are men (on these paths) calling those who pass by them. Whoever goes on the other paths will end up in the Fire. Whoever takes the Straight Path, will end up in Paradise.” Ibn Mas`ud then recited the above verse (Ayah).

This means that the straight path is very clear, we are to follow what Allah says in the Quran and what His messenger told us in the Sunnah. Not following an act of worship that a Sheikh or someone we see as Wali told us without reference from the Quran or Sunnah. The prophet of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:

I have left you with two matters which will never lead you astray, as long as you hold to them: the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Prophet.”  Al-Muwatta’ 1661

10. Turning Away from Islam by Not Learning or Practicing It

major nullifiers of Islam

Finally, total disregard or turning away from Islam by refusing to learn or practice its teachings is the last of the ten major nullifiers of Islam based on the set principles. Ignoring the religion, abandoning prayer, or neglecting Islamic knowledge can lead to a complete disconnection from faith.

The Quran says:
“And who is more unjust than one who is reminded of the verses of his Lord (proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.); then he turns away from them? Verily, we shall exact retribution from the Mujrimoon (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners,?” (Quran 32:22)

The meaning of this is that every Muslim must study or learn the basics of the Religion in order to worship Allah the correct way and practice what has been ordained on them from Allah. This includes how to pray solat and basic things about at-Tawheed related to worship.  Failure to know these things will hinder the person from knowing how to worship Allah and thus not yet a Muslim.

See also  Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Islam

Some people say they believe in the Oneness of Allah and the Message of Muhammad but they neglect the rest of their religion like prayer (solat) or Zakah, this is what it means that it can nullify one’s Islam. The learning can come through direct knowledge or going to lectures.

By understanding these major nullifiers of Islam, we’ll protect ourselves from actions and beliefs that can sever our connection to Allah. Each of these nullifiers poses a serious threat to a Muslim’s spiritual identity, and it is only through sincere adherence to the teachings of Islam that we can safeguard our faith. Hence, we Muslims should be cautious about these ten major nullifiers of Islam and fear for ourselves (from falling into them).

We seek refuge with Allah from the causes of His wrath and severe punishment. May the peace and blessing of Allah be on the best of His creatures, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and on his family and companions.


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