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Common Mistakes During Hajj – Part 2


As we continue to explore the common mistakes during Hajj, it’s important to recognize how avoiding these errors and mistakes can significantly enhance the spiritual experience of this sacred pilgrimage and increase our reward. As we know it’s not just a religious obligation for someone able physically and financially only but a serious journey of faith to adhere to Allah’s commandments and get close to Him.

In the first episode, we discussed some mistakes to avoid during Hajj. Understanding these errors and knowing how to prevent them can ensure that the sanctity of the rites is well preserved and rewarded.

Common Mistakes During Hajj when Performing Sa’i 

Sa’i is the act of walking between the hills of Safa and Marwah, and is an essential rite in Hajj, indicating Hajar’s (peace be upon her) desperate search for water for her son, Ismail. Despite its simplicity, it’s often performed incorrectly. Let’s take a look at some common mistakes to watch out for.

Common Mistakes During Sa’i And How to Avoid Them

  1. Intention (Niyyah): It is incorrect to verbalize your intention louder by saying “I intended to perform Sa’i”. The intention you made before starting Hajj has covered all worship that follows according to the consensus of the scholars but if you still want to, then make a sincere intention in your heart to perform Sa’i for the sake of Allah.

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

     “Actions are but by intentions, and every man shall have reward for which he intended” (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim).

  2. Incorrect Starting Point: It is a mistake to start at Marwah and if you do so, this circuit doesn’t count. Always start at Safa. Beginning at Marwah can invalidate your Sa’i. This was how the Prophet (peace be upon him) performed it and should be done exactly like that.

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

     I begin with what Allah (has commanded me) to begin. He (The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) first mounted al-Safa’ till he saw the House, and facing Qibla he declared the Oneness of Allah and glorified Him” (Sahih Muslim).

  3. Losing Count: It’s easy to lose track of the circuits if your mind is out of the rites. A decrease in the circuit is a great mistake that renders it invalid until it is complete. Walk briskly between Safa and Marwah seven times.

    “I asked Anas bin Malik about As-Safa and Al-Marwah, and he said: ‘They were among the rites of Jahiliyyah.’ He said: ‘So during Islam, we refrained from them, then Allah, Blessed and Most High, revealed:

    Indeed As-Safa and Al-Marwah are of the symbols of Allah. So it is not a sin for those who perform Hajj or ‘Umrah to the house to go between them. (2:158)’ He said: ‘So it is voluntarily then verily, Allah is the All-Recogniser, the All-Knowing. (2:158)'”  (Jami` at-Tirmidhi, 2966)

    After he (the Prophet) finished circumambulating the House he prayed two Rak’ahs at Maqam Ibrahim. Then he went to As-Safa and walked seven rounds between As-Safa and Al-Marwah.   (An Nasa’i)

  4. Disregarding the Jogging Area: Some people disregard jogging between the green markers and this is a mistake that must be avoided. Men should jog between the green markers and the women should maintain their modesty and shouldn’t jog. This action was performed by the Prophet and his companions and, this should be emulated.

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Take your Hajj rituals from me” (Sahih Muslim).

  5. Quarreling or engaging in foul language or: Maintaining peaceful conduct is essential during this sacred state. Focus on your rite and avoid idle talk or quarreling with another one. This contradicts the spirit of Hajj and it is one of the common mistakes during Hajj that should be avoided. The Prophet (peace be upon him) lay emphasizes on this:

    “Whoever performs Hajj and does not have sexual relations (with his wife), nor commits sin, nor disputes unjustly (during Hajj), then he returns from Hajj as pure and free from sins as on the day on which his mother gave birth to him.”   (Sahih Bukhari)

Common Mistakes During Hajj While in Mina

Common Mistakes During Hajj



  • Neglecting the Talbiyah: One common mistake is not reciting the Talbiyah frequently. The Prophet (peace be upon him) commanded the companions to recite it and this supplication goes thus:

“Labbayka llahumma labbayk, labbayka la sharika laka labbayk, innal-hamda wan-ni’mata laka wal-mulk, la sharika lak”

(Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise, grace, and sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner).

  • Ignoring the Sunnah of Spending the Night: Some pilgrims skip spending the night in Mina, which is a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to do so on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah. Although it is not an obligatory part but it is highly recommended to do so.
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Common Mistakes During Hajj While In Arafat

The day of Arafat is the peak of the Hajj pilgrimage.  The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,

“Hajj is Arafah” Whoever catches up with Arafat before dawn on the night of Muzdalifah has completed his Hajj”  (Sunan Ibn Majah).

The following mistakes should be avoided include:

1.  Not Reciting the Talbiyah

Some people fail to recite the Talbiyah and this contradicts the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). you should keep your tongue moist with the Talbiyah as you enter Arafat and throughout the day. It serves as a constant reminder of your purpose and dedication. The supplication goes thus:

“Labbayka llahumma labbayk, labbayka la sharika laka labbayk, innal-hamda wan-ni’mata laka wal-mulk, la sharika lak”

(Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise, grace, and sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner).

2. Not Standing at the Point of Arafat

Some pilgrims mistakenly think they don’t need to be at the specific marked area of Arafat due to overcrowding or any other excuses. Some also mistakenly think they need to be at Jabal al-Rahma (the Mount of Mercy) specifically, No. Standing at any area of Arafat is essential and pilgrims must be within its marked boundaries to fulfill this crucial rite.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The entire Arafat is a standing place” (Sahih Muslim)

3.  Not Facing the Qiblah When Making Dua 

Ignoring and not facing the Qiblah during supplications.is another mistake that should be avoided and this goes against the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Salim told that Ibn ‘Umar used to throw seven pebbles at the nearest1 jamra… He would then turn to the left and go farther into the valley, and after facing the qibla, making supplication, raising his hands and standing for a long time… Then he would depart and say, “This is how I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) do it.”   Bukhari transmitted it.   (Mishkat al-Masabih, 2661, In-Book Reference: Book 10, Hadith 152)

4.  Seeking Blessings from Physical Objects like mountains or trees in Arafat:

Certain areas and landmarks within Arafat, such as Jabal al-Rahma, hold historical significance, but they should not be mistaken for having great holiness. Some pilgrims erroneously believe that trees, mountains, or other landmarks in Arafat possess special blessings and direct their prayers toward them. This is a total Shirk and can make someone turn into a disbeliever. Allahul musta’an.

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The Quran reminds us that

“To Allah belongs the east and the west. Wherever you turn, there is the Face of Allah” (Quran 2:115).

This verse indicates that everything in the area of Arafat belongs to Allah and him alone you should direct all prayers and supplications to and not towards physical objects.

5.  Leaving Arafat Before Sunset

Staying in Arafat until sunset is another key requirement of Hajj while in Arafat. Some pilgrims, due to their misunderstanding or logistical reasons, leave Arafat before sunset. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stayed in Arafat until the sun had set before moving to Muzdalifah.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stayed in Arafat until sunset and advised us that,

“Take your rituals from me” (Sahih Bukhari).

Ensure you remain in Arafat until the sun has completely set. This is essential to fulfilling the rites correctly.

6.  Wasting Time and Engaging in Idle Talks

The Day of Arafat is a great opportunity for deep reflection, seeking forgiveness, and getting closer to Allah. It is not a time for distractions or idle talk. Engaging in trivial conversations can divert one’s attention from worship and other activities like gossiping, backbiting can even lead to greater sins.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “There is no day on which Allah frees more people from the Fire than the Day of Arafah” (Sahih Muslim).

You should dedicate your time to making dua, dhikr, and sincere repentance.

Common Mistakes During Hajj While in Muzdalifah

Common Mistakes During Hajj

  • Failing to Reach Muzdalifah Due to Tiredness and Failing to Stay Overnight

Some pilgrims, exhausted from the day at Arafat will either fail to reach Muzdalifah or leave before spending the night there, thus missing an essential part of the ritual. No matter how exhausted you are, it’s necessary to make it to Muzdalifah and spend the night there because the correct scholarly opinion is that, sleeping overnight is an essential part of Hajj that must be done.

Allah says:

“But when you depart from Arafat, remember Allah at al-Mash’ar al-Haram (Muzdalifah). And remember Him as He has guided you, for indeed, you were before that among those astray.”  (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:198)

The practice of the Prophet (peace be upon him) shows that he did sleep overnight:

Prophet (peace be upon him) said the whole of Arafat is a place for stay. And I have stayed here (at Muzdalifa near Mash’ar al-Haram and the whole of Muzdalifa) is a place for stay (i. e. one is permitted to spend night in any part of it, as one likes).   (Sahih Muslim 1218 c)

The Messenger of Allah said: ‘Whoever attends this Salat of ours, and stays here with us until departing (stays overnight until they depart early in the morning), while he has stood during the night or the day before that at Arafat, then he has completed his Hajj and fulfilled his Tafath.  (At Tirmidhi)

  • Pushing and Shoving Others

In the crowded conditions of Muzdalifah, some pilgrims resort to pushing other people, which contradicts the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and can cause harm to others.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“Whoever performs Hajj and does not have sexual relations (with his wife), nor commits sin, nor disputes unjustly (during Hajj), then he returns from Hajj as pure and free from sins as on the day on which his mother gave birth to him.”   (Sahih Bukhari)

  • Skipping the Maghrib and Isha Prayers

Upon arriving in Muzdalifah, some pilgrims due to exhaustion from the day at Arafat, skip the Maghrib and Isha prayers and repay them when their time has gone. This is a common mistake that should be avoided.

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Allah says:

Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times. (Al-Quran 4:103)

It can be prayed in two forms. Firstly, it is sunnah to combine both the two prayers at Muzdalifa at the later time of Magrib towards the beginning of Isha.

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) combined the Maghrib and the ‘Isha’ prayers (at Muzdalifah) with one Iqāmah. He did not offer any voluntary prayers in between or after either of them  [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Secondly, if you haven’t reached Muzdalifa and the time of Maghrib prayer is about to end while you haven’t reached Muzdalifah, you can stop on the way and offer the Maghrib prayer at its right time and, when you reach Muzdalifa, you should pray Isha.

Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times. (Al-Quran 4:103)

So fear Allah (keep your duty) as much as you are able   (Al-Quran 64:16)

  • Praying Fajr Before Its Time and Leaving in a Hurry

Some pilgrims pray Fajr before its actual time and rush to leave Muzdalifah therefore missing the proper prayer time and the Sunnah of staying until just before sunrise. It is necessary to pray Fajr at the correct time and wait until just before the sun rises to follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and ensure your actions are in line with the Sunnah.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) stayed in Muzdalifah until Fajr and then moved on after praying:

“The Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed Fajr when it was becoming clear in Muzdalifah, then he rode Al-Qaswa until he reached Al-Mash’ar Al-Haram, and he faced the Qiblah and supplicated to Allah.”   (Sahih Muslim)

  • Staying in Muzdalifah Until the Sun Has Risen (Following the Practice of Mushrikoon)

Some pilgrims stay in Muzdalifah until the sun has risen, which was the practice of the Mushrikoon (polytheists), instead of leaving just before sunrise as prescribed earlier.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) left Muzdalifah before sunrise:

Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab: The Arabs in the pre-Islamic period did not return from al-Muzdalifah till they saw sunlight at the mountain Thabir. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) opposed them and returned before the sunrise.   (Sunan Abi Dawud, 1938)

These are the common mistakes during Hajj when performing Sa’i, when in Mina and Muzdalifa. We advise you to study the rules about Hajj and its prohibitions. By sticking to these guidelines, you will be able to perform your pilgrimage in line with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and make it a pleasing and rewarding one to Allah (SWT).

However, we are not yet done with our discussion. The concluding part of this series will cover the remaining common mistakes during Hajj which include mistakes when:

  • Performing the ritual of stoning
  • Sacrificing the animal (Qurbani),
  • Returning to Mina
  • Final Tawaf

We aim to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the common mistakes related to Hajj so that you will be able to avoid them and have a fulfilling reward for your pilgrimage.

The Messenger of Allah said: ‘Hajj al-Mabrur (well performed Hajj following its regulation) brings no reward other than Paradise,

May Allah (Subuhanahu wa taa’la) guide us all in performing Hajj with sincerity and devotion, and may He, Allah accept our efforts and prayers. Aameen.

Click here to read the concluding part.

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